Tag Archives: Oregonian

March Music Moderne Festival Pays Tribute to Claude Debussy

“MMM pays homage to a composer who managed to synesthetically expand our artistic vision,” said Priest, “as the 21st century more inclusively melds music, arts and cultures from around the world and within our very own Global Village PDX.”

—James Bash, The Oregonian/Oregon Live (read the full article)

All Classical Portland host will go off air with live studio show

For the past 17 years, listeners of All Classical Portland (KQAC-FM) have grown familiar with the melodious baritone of senior announcer Robert McBride…But McBride’s voice will soon no longer be wafting over the air, because he has decided to retire from radio.

—James Bash, The Oregonian/Oregon Live (read the full article)

12 Portland Classical Music Events to Keep Your Winter in Tune

Composer and impresario Bob Priest has refreshed the March Music Moderne festival with a unique trio of concerts dedicated to Claude Debussy on the 100th anniversary of his death. Free Marz String Trio and Cascadia Composers will be featured, as will local composers who have been inspired by Debussy. Each concert is free and will offer complimentary refreshments as the music fades away.

—James Bash, The Oregonian/Oregon Live (read the full article)

Oregon Symphony plays to the ears and eyes with ‘SoundSight’ series

The Oregonian“Turangalila” is part of a trilogy Olivier Messiaen composed about love. One of the other components, the song cycle “Harawi,” is featured in a free concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2, at Community Music Center, 3350 S.E. Francis St., as part of Messiaen Melange Musique, a festival of concerts and radio broadcasts perpetrated by Portland composer Bob Priest, one of Messiaen’s last students. Another free Messiaen-themed concert is at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4, at Community Music Center.

—Brett Campbell, The Oregonian (read the full article)

March Music Moderne returns with more musical merriment and mayhem

In like a lion, out like a lamb, they say, but for a while this March, Portland will sound like something altogether outside the natural realm — a chimera, a griffin, maybe even a jackalope. Welcome to March Music Moderne, the rite of spring celebrating the eternal renewal of ideas in sound.

—James McQuillen, The Oregonian (read the full article)

March Music Moderne brings 32 sonic adventures to Portland

It’s March, which means it’s time to let March Music Moderne help us shake off our winter doldrums.

Back for a third year, the monthlong celebration gathers 32 events together in a loose confederation of contemporary music ranging from solos, duos and string quartets to full symphonies.

—David Stabler, The Oregonian (read the full article)