For this article, we climb into the way-back machine and visit the University of Victoria ca. 1996.
This unorthodox approach to post-secondary education seems to work for the students. Many of them, including myself, have come out of Priest’s class with a feeling that they have gained a unique insight into the subject being taught. Last semester I was one of 60 students who took “Crossroads: The Origins and History of the Blues,” a course offered through the UVic Music department. For me, Priest’s blues course was a welcome respite from the more conventional rigours of other classes. Most courses focus on the printed word, whereas Priest’s creative use of visual images, sound and class interaction gave his blues course a qualitative edge.
Priest also teaches a course entitled “Electric Gypsy: The Life and Music of Jimi Hendrix,” the first-ever university course devoted to the legendary rock guitarist. Last summer, it was the most sought-after course at UVic. The popular music messenger teaches the Hendrix course again this summer, and will also be unveiling a new course entitled “The History of Rock ‘n Roll.”
—Greg Mittag, Drop-D Magazine (read the full article}